jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2016

What I like about Mexico

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Mexico is a country that I truely enjoy. Their is plenty of ecoturistic destinations to visit and so much cultural heritage. 

What I like the most is traveling all around, seeing new views, experiencing different types of nature and learning about the cultural practices that make each place special. 

Resultado de imagenTheir traditional festivals and rich gastronomy offer are really inviting. You can find a wide variety of traditional ingredients like cocoa, hot peppers, exotic fruits and so much more. Some of the traditional dishes are mole poblano, which is made from frying dried pepers with onion, garlic, spices, chicken broth and cocoa. You acompany it with red rice made with tomatoe paste, chicken breast showered with this prehispanic spicy sauce, sprincled with some sesame seeds and a healthy stomach to take it all in. Some of the traditional drinks are tamarind water, and other fruit based drinks.
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The problem is security. Although it´s much better than years before but still, you see so much vandalism and thiefs waiting for that little distraction of yours to pull of your bag or even take it pointing a gun at you. But no worries, this could be dealed with in a very simple way: go to the resorts! They are safe, have security 24/7 and are all inclussive, so if your running in a low budget it might be worth it and entertaining.

But if you do have a sense of adventure go ahead and explore freely and don´t fear, if it does happen which it already had to me, just go with the flow and don carry anything of value with you.

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